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Göttingen Atomic City

The exhibition at Göttingen‘s APEX Gallery started with the following hypothesis (prologue). A hole in time would have swallowed the period between 1933 and 1945. These years would never have happened, and history would be different. In our imagination we rewrite the biographies of mathematicians and nuclear physicists who had worked in Göttingen as if their lives and work had continued uninterrupted and without the Nazi state after 1933. We even built them houses there. Each house, „designed“ by a famous architect, has a name added by one of the scientists with a short, factual, biography. The houses and the buildings are placed in the context of Göttingen‘s urban landscape. We design and draw a Göttingen on paper as the Atomic City.
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Here is just a selection of the work shown.
Images of the two accompanying wall paintings will be on display soon.

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